I recently watched a video about traveling to Thailand. Click here to see the video. In it, he talks about getting your house in order. And he doesn’t mean paying your bills and making sure the door is locked. He is talking about having your head straight. I occasionally experienced people who were not ready for travel when I was a tour manager.
Continue reading “Are you REALLY Ready to Travel?”Month: November 2018
I do this all for you, the viewer, the fan, the reader, the one who comments, the haters, the ones who don’t comment.
I have been working hard on Let’s Go Road Trippin. From a complete overhaul of the website, to creating better videos. I want to give you inspiration to help you out. To maybe show you something you didn’t know existed.But, WHY do I do this?
Lets go road trippin. What does that actually mean? For me being tied to a 9 to 5, it means being able to drop the work world and embrace the unknown. Sometimes we can just pick a destination and if we observe something that looks fun to explore, we do it. And so can you! Or better yet stop for gas or a healthy lunch i.e. burger and fries, and ask someone what is there to do around here, or what is going on this weekend? You will be amazed what you will find.
Continue reading “Open Road”